Monday, 6 February 2012

Handmade Monday 52!

It has been a year since Wendy at 1st Unique Gifts has been doing this! Pop over and have a look at what everyone has been up to this week.

Well had a really nice crafty weekend.  Made a wrap bracelet for my website:

Green is not a colour I make a lot of things in but really liked this shade of green.

Also, remember this hat? -

Well I thought it was a little plain so went back to it and added this where the stripes are:

Think it just finishes it off nicely.  Plus I think this extra pattern section may look ok for a boy hat, so will try that with more boyish colours next time.

Remember not so long ago I had a puncture on my bike? Well I recycled (lol) a bit of the inner tube and made this ring:

All in all, it was a nice weekend.  Unfortunately it was followed by 'the day from hell' today.  We were getting the office painted today so all day I have sat around with all the things in my office around me inhaling the awful smell of paint.  Then just to top it off, when my desk was being moved back the tower from my computer fell over and is now not working!  So that is being couriered down to the tech guys tomorrow and I will have to scramble about trying to borrow something from some other office so that I can type and also my boss can't print anything if my computer is not on! I am so glad I am home now - the only thing is, I have to go back tomorrow.

Mich :)


  1. Green isn't my colour either, but I know a lot of people who love it! Love the inner tube ring - how cool! Hope things improve at work soon x


    Recycling and fashionable. What more do you want from a bit a excellent Jewellery? Great idea!

  3. Gosh, that is a unique way to make a ring. How did you come up with that idea? I hope you opened plenty of windows with the paint smell. At least you can't be blamed for the broken computer!

    1. Weirdly we don't have any windows at work! I personally think my boss should have sent me back home for even half a day as it was okay for him as he could go out and about. Sorry sound a bit 'vent like' but was really annoyed today! (Must be the fumes!)

  4. Love it!The hat was great before but looks brilliant with the little bobbles added.I love love love the ring-gorgeous!

  5. Tomorrow is another day! Fingers crossed its better than today. I love the ring, very clever idea and that hat looks really cute. x

  6. Lots of lovely recycling - love the snazzy trim to your hat. I am sorry you had such a grim day at work - hope tomorrow is much better and that you have a good week.

  7. Love what you did with the hat, that really did make it special! And the recycled inner tube was amazing! I am all about recycling, I hate to waste a thing, but it's even better when it can be unique and cool, which that is!

  8. Urgh, what an awful start to the working week. Great makes though and the nice thing is when you leave work tomorrow you can forget about it again until the next day!

    Hope the week gets better

    Ali x

  9. Good recycling tips and love the hat the extra makes all the difference. Hope your week improves

  10. Love the recycling :)
    The hat looks great. Hope your week improves x

  11. That's one of the problems about work, it's always there the next day. I hope things have improved today and the computer is fixed. Hopefully the office looks better now and was worth all the hassle, I agree that he should of sent you home.
    Love this weeks makes, the ring is great and it is great that you can make something good out of something negative.

    Jan x

  12. Hello Mich

    I just popped by to award you 'The Liebster Award' - see my blog for further details

    Best wishes

