Monday, 30 December 2013

Monday 30 December 2013

Well we are coming to the end of the year. My most memorable thing will be this shoulder injury which has and is still a pain in the neck! (if you know what I mean!)

I am managing to get out and about thanks to a very helpful partner (I bet he will be as happy as me when I'm back to full fitness and he can take off his nurse's hat!)

On Saturday it was a lovely but cold day and we went for a walk to the Loch Leven area and I managed to take these 2 pictures (he had to hold the camera for me as I couldn't take the weight of it on my right hand).

The geese then took flight and I managed to snap this -

After our walk we headed to the sales! (can very easily get my purse out with my left hand lol!)

Have a great day.

Mich :)

1 comment:

  1. I hope you feel better soon - I had a torn rotator cuff once and it seemed to take forever to heal.

    A Happy New Year to you! :)
