Wednesday, 12 June 2013

June 12, 2013

Well as father's day is coming up this weekend in the UK I thought I'd take a picture of my dad as he has an interesting face!

Decided to do it in black and white - though he says he likes it in colour better. (this is my blog dad!)

I just realised that I didn't in fact have any recent pictures of my dad - unless there is some kind of occasion I tend to forget about taking photos of family.  Must remember to do more often.  Most photographed member of the family is the dog who has to put up with me trying lots of photography techniques on her - despite the fact she puts her head down when she sees me getting out the camera!

Have a good evening.
Mich :)

1 comment:

  1. That is a lived in face. The tales and things it has seen...
