Sunday, 2 October 2011

Flower Power!

I have had such a productive weekend with my crafts.  It is great when you get a spell where everything works and goes smoothly.  Of  course, with the whole of Britain (bar us) basking in heatwave conditions - we had rain Saturday and Sunday believe it or not - apart from going out only when necessary, it has been a good opportunity to get on with things in the house.

On Saturday between showers I popped into a shop to get a specific size of crochet hook and came out with some organza fabric! I made a pink organza flower and then attached it to a hair clip:

As daughter is not available to show it in hair, you will have to see it in my frizzy mop to get an idea of the size of it - (the flower not my frizzy mop!)

After making this, I made a smaller one which I attached to a ring.  The small one I made in black and when I took a picture it unfortunately just looks like a black blob so will try to get pictures another time.

I then went to the other end of the size spectrum and made a fairly large flower which I sewed onto a canvas square I had and I will put it on the wall in my bedroom. I was pleased with how this turned out.  I want now to see how I can incorporate this sort of thing into my jewellery. 

I did also get the crochet hook and have made a couple of little baby hats - but that will be for another post. I know you guys down south are basking in the heat and the thought of a little winter woolly hat will make you sweat!

Pop over here to see what others have been up to this week. 

Mich :)


  1. I love organza flowers, only thing is I am lethal with a candle flame so have to have a warning in case I burn the house down. Love the colour

  2. Love the flower. Shame you didn't get that heatwave. We have the rain to make up for it now - looks like it'll never stop!

  3. They are so pretty - bit like Caroline, left with a flame I would have no roof left. Well done though, they are great.


  4. So pretty, and gorgeous pink colour.

  5. Wow - love these flowers and your hair! I've got curls too but yours are amazing. I'm sure you'll find a million and one places to use them. Good luck!

  6. organza flowers! - pretty! ive been meaning to try my hand at them for so long! they look pretty no matter where they are places. well done! :)

  7. I love the flowers. We have finally had a cool spell here in FL and I'm loving it! BTW I love your *frizzy mop* as I have the straightest hair ever in the world so I would never complain about any sort of curl or body! :)

  8. ah yes, the dreaded, 'I only want one of those... and one of those, and those and those and those...'

    The flowers are lovely. A great make.

    Looking forward to seeing more!

  9. Brilliant hair slide... and rather sophisticated too, maybe I will grow my hair... :)

  10. Pretty flower and love the bright colour. Keeps a bit of summer going into the autumn (sorry you got the rain!:(

  11. I love your 'wall flower', what a lovely idea. You should post when you've hung it up. Tried to comment unsuccessfully on your blog yesterday, fingers crossed for this time!

  12. Gorgeous flower, lovely hair! What a great idea to use it as a 'wallflower'

  13. the flowers are amazing I have stacks of organza fabric collected over the years and this is a raelly great idea xxx

  14. will do Caroline - have put it up so will take a little picture later.

  15. I love the idea of that flower as a ring (I'm liking flower rings at the moment!) and such as nice colour. will try to send some sun your way xx
